The Blog Park

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mind Control

I need to gain control over my mind if I am to change my life. I shall use the conscious mind to gain control over my mind. I will look inside myself and see my real self, not the one which is presented to me by myself because that is not the real me. It is strange how we do not seem to know ourselves and this is easily demonstrated by how people interact with us. I have observed a certain pattern which seems to run throughout my life. I realize there is a pattern when some things happen again and again. I can easily say that history repeats itself and that would be the end of it but if I look a little more closely I should see the underlying reason for these repeated occurrences. As an example, one could take lateness or being late for an appointment. If this happens often enough this should be investigated and one might be surprised at the discovery of the underlying reason for this seemingly innocuous occurrence which might even be called a character flaw.

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Anyway, here's Cagayan de Oro City with another one: Cagayan de Oro City. My Cebu City site has made pr1, surprise, surprise. Dumaguete is still in the boondocks as far as Google goes but Dumaguete has made some headway. Jai Alexander rocks!
There is always: Ching's Way and Ching's Web along with Ching's Best and Ching's Illusion. Way to go, Ching!

Related Link: Cruise Lines

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